SWIMSOIL partners with quality pool builders throughout the
DFW Metroplex to provide Pool Soil Stabilization!
More than 90% of the DFW area and most of North Texas have soil profiles high in clay content. Untreated clay is problematic for anything built in or thereon due to the effects that water has on clay. As moisture content increases the clay will expand or as moisture content decreases the clay will contract or shrink. This is evidenced by the large ground cracks that appear during long dry spells and then disappear after rainfall.
SWIMSOIL partners with the most reputable swimming pool contractors throughout DFW. For these partners, SWIMSOIL eliminates the expansive qualities of clay soil. For swimming pools being built in soils high in clay content, properly treating the soil is as imperative to the build process as placing steel rebar in the gunite and concrete.
SWIMSOIL is a value-added benefit available only to the highest quality pool builders. Until recently, the cost of soil injection limited application to commercial building, roads and highways, and larger housing projects. Using SWIMSOIL allows you to have the confidence that your pool and deck will not heave or move due to soil movement.


Pool can become out-of-level
Skimmers may not work as designed
Waterfalls/Spa Spillways may not work as designed
Separations between deck and pool
Separations between deck and home patio/foundation
Toe stubs/trip hazard when deck heaves above pool
Pool cracks
Deck cracks
When you use SWIMSOIL for your STABILIZATION needs, you receive the original, the BEST, and the most PROVEN!
The SWIMSOIL process creates a reaction with the clay particles during the treatment process. Once the reaction is complete, the expansive qualities of the soil are permanently eliminated.
SWIMSOIL is environmentally safe and is the most cost-effective solution for permanent soil stabilization.
Ideal for perimeter injections of existing home foundations and swimming pools.